Obstetrics & Gynaecology

The department provides emphasis on providing the best facilities for female health and well being.we are all types of high risk and low risk obstetric services,gynaecological , infertility, and contraceptive services.All Patients are managed effectively in multidisciplinary consultant led care by dedicated team of consultants and supporting staff. The department provides 24/7 emergency services in major and minor obstetrics and gynecological cases including normal and assisted delivery, surveillance of high risk patients, emergency cesareans,laprotomies.diagnostic and therapeutic laproscopies etc.The department is also the preferred destination for patients from the surrounding areas of the districts as well as from the northern areas due to provision of 24 / 7 high quality care services available to patients.

We are dedicated to the persuit of excellence in women's obstetrical and gynaecological health care committed to provide access to health care timely & effectively in a respectful ,ethical and respectful way being accountable to patients ,colleagues and ourselves.

Gynae department consist of two units Gynae A and B units .It is 60 bedded including 10 bedded ICU .It has 5 functional Operation theatres.It provides both indoor and outdoor services.Annually about 60,000 patients are attended in OPD and Emergency. 5,000 surgeries are conducted and about 11,000 deliveries took place, one third of these being high risk.

The obstetrics and gynecology residency programs at BKMC/MMC commenced in july 2011.at present there are 70 FCPS postgraduate trainees in the program which is approved by CPSP Pakistan.

Dr. Nasim Akhtar


Dr. Nuzhat Amin


Dr. Samina Jadoon


Dr. Naila

Assistant Professor

Dr. Fatima Muslim

Assistant Professor

Dr. Nabila Khan

Assistant Professor

Dr. Hemasa Gul

Assistant Professor

Dr. Maryam Badshah

Senior Registrar

O.P.D Days for Gynae A & B
Section Name Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Gynae B
Gynae A